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June gloom.

a song to set the scene // under the pepper tree by sara watkins

Summer is taking her sweet sweet time getting here.

It’s only the first half of June, but I can count on one finger the number of sunny days we’ve had so far.

After six months of suffocating in the cold dark winter, I find it only fair that we get a warm and sunny summer.

I mean come on- we earned this.

So far, we’ve had one day.

As for the rest of them…

Lots of rain, uncharacteristically windy, and disheartening skies of grey.

So yeah- not the greatest start.

Speaking of starts…

That’s where this story begins: at the starting line for a run at the Kenai Wildlife Refuge.

A couple of weeks ago, my sister thought it’d be a great idea to sign up for The Color Run.

Not at all a fan of running, I was hesitant.

I mean- why would I put my body through such torture?

But, when I found out it was only 2 miles, free, and I’d get pelted with colorful powder, I simply couldn’t resist.

The Color Run, inspired by the Hindu Festival of Holi, where individuals throw colored powder in the air to celebrate the abundant colors of spring, is a unique event where runners participate in a 5k and get showered in color.

I had never done it before (remember- I don’t run) but was looking forward to a potential bright spot in an otherwise bleak summer season.

Sure enough- it did not disappoint.

Joining me on the run were my sister and brother-in-law, and in the course of one hour, we ended the race wearing the full spectrum of the rainbow.

And guess who came to say hello?

The sun.

(always fashionably late)

Praising the vibrancy of spring and the sun now shining high in the sky, I realized that summer isn’t something out there.

Sure, we all have an idea of what summer should look like, but at the end of the day, summer is what you make of it.

Summer is a state of mind.

To me, summer is about playfulness, happiness, color, and life. Summer is enjoying the outdoors, rain or shine, and all those late nights waiting for the sun to set (because it doesn’t really get dark until 11:28pm).

Summer may not always look like blue skies and sun in your eyes, but there’s one thing for certain: summer is on her way.

As she doesn’t officially arrive until June 21st.

(according to the calendars)

Until then…