Stuck in the Middle.
My phone goes off.
It’s him.
Trying to be cool, trying not to be that girl who desperately waits around all day for a response, the girl who goes so far as to bring her phone with her to the bathroom so she doesn’t miss his text (who am I kidding, I am so that girl) I wait a few seconds before I snatch it up with such rapidity that I nearly drop it.
Seeing his name on my screen, a shy smile forms. Those who happen to be around me already know who it is I’m messaging. I’m not exactly mysterious when it comes to my emotions and feelings, and my joy at receiving his texts lights up my face like the 4th of July.
What can I say? I’m just that girl.
As my eyes tear through the text, I’m happy, of course, so happy. But at the end, I find myself feeling just slightly disappointed because while I enjoy talking, spending time with, and getting to know him, I’m at the point where I kind of want a little… more.
Fighting against the hopeless romantic that lives within these walls of mine, I've struggled with my feelings since I first started hanging out with him. Not wanting to rush things, enjoying the process of getting to know him, like really getting to know him, I’m fighting the urge not to get emotionally attached to someone I just started getting to know. Which, per my history, is what I’m known to do.
So I’m here, stuck in the middle. Appreciating this new friendship, but also desiring something more.
I’m not exactly a pro at relationships (my history having been limited to bad dates and brief stints that ended with ghosting and a broken heart). Having relegated myself to pining after Prince Charmings in fairy tale stories with happy endings, I’ve fantasized, romanticized, and ruined relationships because of my sometimes unrealistic expectations I set for those I meet.
I fall, hard.
Sometimes, the guys I date are just not meant to be, and instead of accepting the simple truth that we’re not compatible, I simmer in the rejection. On other occasions, I’ve overthought myself into oblivion, ruining things before they’ve even had the chance to flourish. Sometimes, I keep quiet about how I really feel and other times, I get rejected expressing those same feelings.
So you see, I’m not exactly savvy when it comes to navigating the murky waters of my relationships.
I think part of the reason why I get my heart broken so much is because I live my life based off emotion. I rely solely on that part of my brain, instead of utilizing all parts that would help me see things more wisely, more intelligently, a little more clearly.
I know at some point I have to talk to him about it. I need to find the courage to express how I feel, which is this: I enjoy spending time with you. Honestly, it’s that simple.
And as much as being honest scares me, it also thrills me because I know that one day, their response will be reciprocated, and they might just feel the way I do.
But I won’t know until I try…