Improving the groove.

How do you handle the repetitive nature of typical barista work?

The question lingered awhile. Stopped me in my tracks because there I was, on an ordinary afternoon working on a document that ironically, I had chosen to work on to switch things up.

How fitting!

I was updating an interview questionarre for work, one of many files I’ve pulled out of dusty hiding to improve. See, between the downward slump of the winter season and its effect on a small town, and the still present health crisis, I’ve had a lot of ample time at the coffee shop.

Faced with this abundance of downtime, I’ve gotten creative with passing the hours, trying to handle the monotony of making cup after cup of coffee with productivity and optimism.

Now granted: I am not your typical barista. After years slinging espresso and slowly working my way up, I went from 15 year old minimum wage barista to the top: management. Here, I’m at the helm of change and improvement, so while I don’t necessarily follow the same protocols as any old barista, I still find myself occasionally getting trapped in the same routine and mundanity of the job.

We’ve all been there, amiright?

But this doesn’t just apply to work, oh no. This pertains to all aspects of life.

Which begs the question: how does one handle the repetitive nature of life itself?

You’ll remember that I just had a week off. And luckily, it was only just a week. It could’ve been much longer, or worse yet, it could have meant the total termination of my job, which isn’t such a far fetched concept in our current unemployment crisis.

So when I came back to work, I felt rejuvenated and grateful to even have a job at all, and it was with this new perspective and appreciation of time that I found myself working on this quesionarre in the first place, which led me straight to the question of how to handle life’s repetitiveness.

Let’s get this straight: I think there’s nothing wrong with routine. I think why it has such a bad rap is because people perceive and therefore execute it with the wrong attitude. The difference between those who follow routine and are unhappy as a result and those who follow routine and find joy and self-satisfaction in doing so, has to do with approach.

Routine is inevitable, patterns are unavoidable. But to steer clear of getting sucked into the day to day “typical” work, one has to face the groove with optimism, striving to complete the most mundane with excellence and pride.

It’s about finding the positive, being open to accepting that there’s a chance for growth in every opportunity, and making ordinary tasks extraordinary.

Just like the saying “not every day is a good day, but there’s good in every day”, I truly believe and practice what I can to get the most out of each day; and on this occasion, it was found in figuring out ways how to handle the repetitive nature of typical barista work.

And look what it taught me.


Stormy Weather.

1pm on a Sunday, and there I was, lying on the couch slowly sipping champagne.

I remember thinking to myself: this is the life.

Outside, a storm raged. Raindrops pelted the windows, wind howled through the cracks of the house, and I found myself snuggling deeper into the couch, glass of bubbles clutched between my hands.

I could get used to this.

See, I’m usually working the brunch shift on Sundays. So while I’m used to the concept of bubbles and brunch, it’s a little more rare for me to actually be a participant.

This Sunday though, I found myself in the unfortunate but unique position of having the day off.

Well, a few days off, actually. Perhaps the next two weeks off.

(Based off the global health crisis, I think you can put two and two together)

So I’m here, on a Sunday, enjoying the luxury of the day off.

And while the circumstances are less than ideal, I’m trying to find joy in this work reprieve.

I have too. I’ll go crazy if I don’t. And while there remains this uncertainty and fear, I know there’s silver linings.

I just have to find them.

Take brunch, for example. When was the last time I had a Sunday off? And when was the last time I got to enjoy the very beverage that I always drooled over as I stood chained to the hostess stand?

Sleeping in, what a foreign splendor! Do you know how much I have missed the very action of pushing “snooze” on my alarm without having to worry about actually waking up after that alarm went off?

Work- I love it, I really do. But taking a break from customer service, and the challenges that come with pleasing people? It’s high time I receive a little reciprocity. Sure, it’s not from the folks that make me question why I am in the industry that I am, but at least I get to give myself some TLC.

I live surrounded by stacks of books, most of which I’ve read, but many with pages collecting dust awaiting my hungry eyes. Maybe this is the opportunity where I finally get to read them.

I know it’s going to be harder than I imagine keeping positive and occupied when the only company are my thoughts and the cat. The cat is great, don’t get me wrong, but she doesn’t talk much. And my head? Far too much talking.

But people around the world have been doing it, most for months, and that gives me hope. And I long to be a part of that community that took something as positively unbelievable as this, and made it a part of their creative journey of growth and optimism.

Sunday kind of showed me the power of that sanguine belief.

Around me, a storm boils, but I’m choosing to appreciate what I still have and what I can now enjoy.

Like bubbles at brunch…
