Snow Laughing Matter.

On this pretty (cold) day, my dad and I decided to partake in a particularly enjoyable Alaskan pastime: snowshoeing.

The snow was out and the trails were ours for the taking, as no one dared brave the chilly temps.

But to us, we saw beauty, especially the cold's effect on our surrounding nature.

You see, there's something pristine about a recent snowfall that's stayed frozen to the trees. It provides a very picturesque scene and while sunny clear days also double as stay-inside-it's-freezing days, they're still worth enjoying.

So bundled up in various layers of SmartWool, Dad and I chose to brave this chilly weather and enjoy nature's beauty on this fine Sunday afternoon.

Like with anything, it takes patience and an open mind to sometimes see the beauty in certain situations. In this particular instance, once we got past the frozen boogers and leaky nose, we could actually start to appreciate the scenery around us, deduce which animal's footprints were in the snow beside us, and enjoy the company of each other.

There was racing and photo taking, but most of all, there was glee in the fact that we were the only ones out there courageous enough to not be daunted by Mother Nature's chilly breath.

Let the festivities begin!

Heated gloves on and temperatures at two degrees, Dad and I began our walk..

Being so cold that your hair freezes and turns white is snow laughing matter... But it really is.

Before: so innocent.

After: so cold.