There's not many cases where I'm blown away, literally and figuratively!
But such was the case when we visited the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher.
At the tail end of our trip, it was the perfect ending to our book of adventure. Majestic, mind-blowing, and statuesque, we arrived at the cliffs in the County Clare of Ireland after a most hearty lunch of seafood chowder and Irish coffee.
The weather had turned and instead of the sunny skies we had been so spoiled in having, a storm rumbled in and the wind picked up considerably.
I didn't mind, however. It set the scene for these intimidating and rugged cliffs on the western coast of Ireland, moody and mysterious.
Whilst Kate and I only had a short time on the cliffs, it made for an impactful and memorable visit.
There we were, at the edge of the coast, peering down at these cliffs all the way in Ireland. Pretty soon, we would be crossing these very seas and heading back towards our home.
Until then though, I was going to enjoy every moment up there, relishing the sensation of being blown away by the cliffs. And the wind....