
The party was. a. smash.

We had UNO.

We had punch.

We had cookies, laughter, and fancy cheese to munch.

And then came the actual smash.

It was accidental enough.

There we were, hand washing dishes in the sink. In the midst of handling very old coupe glasses, my gem unexpectedly let slip an old shot glass.

Of course, it shattered.

(lasts 70 years and breaks in my sink)

He looked at me, panic in his eyes.

“Was this vintage?” he asked.

(meaning “was this irreplaceable?”)

I nodded my head.

Uh oh was the look I’d best describe his face.

Normally, I would’ve reacted much different.

But, in the moment, I wasn’t worried.

First of all: it’s a shot glass.

Secondly: though it was vintage, I had purchased it at an antique store and when I bought it, the shot glass was one of three glasses that all came in a set.

Which I knew I could purchase the next day.

Again, I wasn’t worried.

So the next day, my gem and I drove out to said antique store.

Of course, the set had sold.

Irreplaceable shot glass was indeed now irreplaceable.

While my gem frantically searched the internet for a replacement, I started to look around. And as I shopped, I started to add other goodies to my bag.

I found vintage wallpaper, $3 vintage hats, an assortment of antique ornaments to be used for a DIY project, and lastly: an American Girl Doll.

Now, if you don’t know me or my family that well, my mom kind of collects American Girl Dolls.

Rescues them, actually.

Missing limbs, lipstick smeared on faces once loved, and orphan girls without a home, my mom has this passion for salvaging dolls from sad situations.

(which all started when my mom found one in a garage sale and was told the doll would be taken to the dump if not sold by the end of the day)


And I found one, at this antique store while I was supposed to be looking for another shot glass.

I’ll tell ya- I nearly cried when I found her. I knew my mom would be over the moon to add another sister to the growing family of 12.

Sure enough, later that night, my mom met Andy.

(I couldn’t wait until Christmas)

She was ecstatic.

Her reaction was priceless. It was authentic, genuine, and it made my whole day.

Later that night, I looked over and found my gem once again browsing Ebay and Etsy in search of this shot glass. It was here that I shared just how glad I was that he broke it.

Confusion is the look I’d best describe his face.

See, if he hadn’t broken that shot glass, we wouldn’t have gone to Kenai. We wouldn’t have shopped in that antique store, I wouldn’t have found that American Girl Doll, and I would’ve missed out on a moment of joy with my mom.

Looks like broken can actually be a beautiful thing.